Graeme Paterson, Brightworks
Graeme Paterson
Managing Director

Graeme is currently Managing Director of Brightworks Ltd and was winner of a Plastics Industry Award in 2005 for the novel design of an electronic offender tag. He has been a product design consultant for over 35 years and spent time working for companies in both the UK and in Japan before setting up his own product design consultancy business in 2003. Graeme has extensive experience of working in a wide variety of industry sectors including: medical devices, laboratory & healthcare equipment, industrial & security products, consumer goods and technical packaging. In this time Graeme has built up a comprehensive knowledge of plastic materials and has a broad experience of the use of plastics in a wide variety of very different applications. Graeme was also winner of the Horners Award for Polymer Innovation and Design in 2012 and has been a regular on the PIA judging panel for product design categories over the past 10 years.